Future Flight Challenge (UK Government)
The Future Flight Challenge (FFC) is a £125m UK government ‘match fund’ providing significant non-dilutive grants to British businesses, conditional on them also raising private sector funding.

“Rather than just funding the vehicles, we’re funding all aspects of the system, with the belief that all of these new aviation systems – from air traffic management (ATM) to infrastructure and regulation – are interconnected.”
Gary Cutts, Director, Future Flight Challenge
Grant recipients include:


This blog is an extract from 'Cities of Sustainable Flight' (please download and read here), a Leif Capital report on the investment need / opportunity in eVTOL and VTOL infrastructure. If you're an investor or an innovator in eVTOL infrastructure, we'd very much like to meet you. info@leifcapital.com
Tom Whitehouse
Rather than just funding the vehicles, we’re funding all aspects of the system, with the belief that all of these new aviation systems – from air traffic management (ATM) to infrastructure and regulation – are interconnected.”