We're excited about the sustainable transformation of agriculture. You should be too. Read the full report here.

Farms are electrifying. Agriculture is decarbonizing. Roughly a quarter of the world population is employed in agriculture. The changes afoot affect billions of us.
Ahead of our webinar - Electrifying Farms, Decarbonizing Agriculture - on Wednesday June 2nd, we've published a report of the same title.
The report, authored by Leif Capital's Matt Stamp, starts by taking a look the huge GHG emissions of the agricultural sector, and recognises that the composition of these emissions should not distract from a simple solution; decarbonization through sustainable electrification with renewables.
Matt then considers the broader energy landscape, and the challenges facing the move from centralised power generation to integrated, distributed sources of energy. The second half of this report focuses on case studies, where we look at some of the leading venture-backed innovators busy electrifying and decarbonizing farms.
An in depth exploration of Eocycle Technologies (disclosure; Eocycle is a client of Leif Capital) is followed by a briefer look at a range of start-ups from around the globe, all focused on electrification and/or decarbonization.
Download the full report below:
Please join me at a Leif Capital webinar - Electrifying Farms, Decarbonizing Agriculture - on Wednesday June 2nd at 10:00 Eastern / 15:00 BST to discuss the investment and partnership opportunities in accelerating the energy transition in farms.
Tom Whitehouse, CEO, Leif Capital (leifcapital.com), and webinar moderator
Richard Legault, CEO, Eocycle Technologies (eocycle.com)
Hansel New, Director of Sustainability Programs, Dairy Farms of America (dfamilk.com)
Dan Pinault, Investment Director, Cycle Capital (cyclecapital.com)
Pål Johan From, CEO, Sagarobotics (sagarobotics.com)
Jalmari Talola, CEO, Soil Scout (soilscout.com)
Shawn Semones, VP, Research and Development, Anuvia Plant Nutrients Corporation (anuviaplantnutrients.com/)
Tim Kay, Commercial Director, Verco Global (vercoglobal.com)
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