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Here is some news and insights from leading sustainable innovators. If we want to know what the innovation priorities are of a particular corporation, we ask them. And with their permission, we publish what they tell us.

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Financial Report


Leif Capital can also position its clients in ‘thought leadership’ reports that feature several of leading innovators (investors and venture-backed start-ups) in a particular ‘theme’ or investment category.


We also introduce and interview our clients at leading venture conferences (digital and ‘real’). Such ‘outreach’ helps reinforce the message with targeted investors.  It may also help identify / ‘uncover’ new investors that had not previously been considered. 

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© Leif Capital, the trading name of Carbon Communications International Ltd, registered in England (no. 5243871), which is entered on the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority register (FRN: 472599). All rights reserved.

Henry Wood House, 

2 Riding House Street,

London, UK 


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​Disclaimer: The information in this website does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell equities. It is solely for information purposes and does not constitute investment or other advice, nor is it to be relied upon in making an investment decision. Information contained herein has been taken from sources considered by Carbon Communications International Ltd to be reliable, but no warranty is given that such information is accurate or complete and it should not be relied on as such. Carbon Communications International Ltd , its subcontractors, agents and employees, will not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind which arises, directly or indirectly, and is caused by, the use of any part of the information provided.

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